Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 A New Year's Resolution - Life Back on Track!

It’s now five years since the loss of our “income generating mechanism” and it’s time to move on. We had sold off all our real estate and share holdings, apart from our home and a block of land, to invest in a leveraged managed funds scheme called Storm Financial. Despite being in a downwards spiral sending good money after bad from mid 2008, we were assured that we would be in a position to ride out the long drawn out “storm”. However the dawn of a new year, 2009, revealed the extent of our loss with the foreclosure of Storm Financial Pty Ltd and the shutting down of its remaining funds under management by various Margin Lending Financial Institutions. Weathering the aftermath and facing utter devastation in retrospect has been the same lonely path for us followed by any other catastrophe survivor. The self flagellation, the panic, jealousy, exaggeration, loss of self importance, helplessness, isolation, loss of independence and dignity, desire to self destruct, all these processes begin. Then follows the reality that we can’t go back and yet we can’t seem to break free of the daily grind to “break even,” and when “untouchable reserves” of funds also start to dwindle. Now, looking back, these five years have not been lived in “financial privilege” as we had planned, but the events which have filled our lives have meant that we do and have exciting lives which came about by the choices and decisions we made previously. The birth of three more grandchildren and the opportunities of “grandparenting” we therefore experienced would sufficiently cover the love and support we were guaranteed by being close to family. Comfort and patience from friends and colleagues who were close enough to us to recognize and repair the cracks appearing within us. Not to be forgotten are all of our “customers” who have purchased our beloved wares as we “sold off” to keep things turning over for us. Some of you more generous than others, but all of you necessary and share our indebtedness. We look optimistically towards this new year, 2013, for a conclusion to our court proceedings for restitution in the Storm Financial case, for a strengthening of Global Stock Markets and improvements in Real Estate. Dale has found work with friends at the Brisbane Markets (fruit, vegetables and flowers) and is leading a happy fruitful life mixing with new friends and renewing acquaintances in the local Rocklea mechanical nexus. As for me, I’m looking for a new employment opportunity, making a fresh start, keeping my options open, utilizing any of my amazing skills, hoping to take myself to all four corners of the globe in my quest. Reigniting my blogspot will be my first priority by bringing it up to scratch with some of my jottings from these past years.


  1. you and dale still look the same as 20 years ago

  2. always keep moving forward and stay positive, wish i was there to help you, love you lots
